Do What Makes You Come Alive

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

The power of this quote has taken root to my soul like nothing else ever has. While we’ve hopefully all pondered what makes us come alive, and I’ve made it a priority in life to know it and live by it, the simplicity of this quote still shakes me. Through much self exploration, I have come to understand what the answer is for me, but have you? Once you do, go do it, it says. Simple. To the point. And undeniably powerful.

And with this, I have made a vow to myself, and to the rest of the world, to not be listless and let this life pass me by. Every morning, I wake up and just for a moment, surrender to the feeling of being completely present in the moment. Doing this, has kept my vision cleared and ambitions strong. Taking in with each breath what I feel, see, hear and can smell in that moment. In comes a breath, out goes all doubt, fears and expectations that can hold me back during the hours of the coming day. I’ve learned how amazing a few conscious breaths can be for the body and soul and it’s helped to keep me focused on what makes me come alive and how I can achieve that feeling every day.

Doing this has sustained my feelings of being alive because I have become more aware of everything in the external world around me and everything in the internal world within me. And I revel in the fact that I have discovered I can be the one to complete myself to entirety in a present moment. Call it my mantra, for one very wise woman had explained this simple power to me of enlightening your mind and strengthening your entire world with the repetition of a meaningful verse. Ever heard of it? Do you have one yourself? My own personal version (although I’m not supposed to share, but you’re special of course) is this: “everything I could ever need in my life, I have right here in this moment.” And as soon as I say it, I am clear, calm, and centered and this allows me to go do what makes me come alive.

And while I now am actively doing only those things that make me come alive, I have a few goals for my time in Chico that I wanted to share:

  • I will embark on a monthly camping trip that includes discovering natural beauties and sustainable practices in the Northern part of California and write about it,
  • Support weekly our local farmers markets and continue to eat seasonally, locally and organic whenever possible,
  • Plant a garden, or get involved in a community garden, and continue to expand my knowledge about permaculture,
  • Ride my bike everywhere or use my feet, only using a vehicle when absolutely necessary,
  • Maintain a minimalistic lifestyle without being a normal, hoarding consumer. Which I’m happy to say, I’m down to owning only four total boxes of clothes, books, essential kitchen ware…and shoes,
  • Get published locally and online and continue to expand my writing resume,
  • And train for a half-marathon in Tahoe this coming September with my friend, Brenna.

So what are the things that make you come alive? And are you going after them?

2 comments on “Do What Makes You Come Alive”

  1. […] talk. I talk. A lot. Especially here on this blog about living authentically and doing things that make you come alive. And as you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t been very regular in posting about these […]

  2. […] To get me there, I made goals last year for my time in Chico and I’ve been adamant about trying to honor them. These goals have helped me along my journey to living a more authentic and eco-conscious life. Now, because I am more focused on what’s important to me, I can see clearly what either helps or hinders me. It’s like I’ve created a cool little filter in my brain that says “yes!” to the coconut water and “no” to plastic bags at the grocery store. These goals are: […]

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